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      Tiger 1 1943 Extinguisher in 1:6
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Thema: Tiger 1 1943 Extinguisher in 1:6

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30.07.2004, 18:15 Uhr
Dave besucht im Moment nicht das Board.Dave eine private Nachricht schreibenDave
here is a pic of the custom built Fire Extinguisher,copied from an original one,the brackets will be fully working !,as the extinguisher is metal it could be pressurised in theory!
The decals have been faithfully reduced from the original,dated as an
Extinguisher produced for the Waffen SS,dated as a 1943 issue model by TETRA,type designition as the #2 model.
Also shown is a copy of the 1943 Signal magazine,with Tiger on the cover.I have had this reduced as well as the content of the magazine which contains around 50% of the originals photos & text.just for somthing for the Crew figue to be reading !

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30.07.2004, 19:00 Uhr
Uwe besucht im Moment nicht das Board.Uwe eine private Nachricht schreibenUwe
GMM Winner 2003, 2005

You are so crazy man - looks like the real thing ;D

Congrats to that.
best regards
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