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    Figuren und Dioramen
      Gegliederte Tabelle 1/10
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Thema: Gegliederte Tabelle 1/10

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20.07.2008, 09:00 Uhr
lalo besucht im Moment nicht das Board.lalo eine private Nachricht schreibenlalo
.................I see… that the rigid figures of the vehicles that you show, are very interesting. But, For my taste ..... the tanks and other military vehicles of remote control…. they deserve one appears finds out, articulated, with equipped fabric clothes and of complements. That is to say: One appears Dragoon of scale 1/10. But this, does not exist. Therefore, it is necessary to do custom, reconvertion ..... A figure of scale 1/10. And also, it can…. to change the head, to have much variety. Here I put the figures that I know scale 1/10. MADELMAN AND MEGO.
What opinion you have.? ...
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---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- :D ------------------- Byye,byye.
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