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      Gears for the old Tamiya Tiger gearbox
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Thema: Gears for the old Tamiya Tiger gearbox

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09.10.2005, 22:21 Uhr
kilgore68 besucht im Moment nicht das Board.kilgore68 eine private Nachricht schreibenkilgore68
AFV-Models have replacement gears (the smallest plastic) for the old Tamiya Tiger gearbox.
But where can I get replacement for the largest plastic gear ?

Pål Steinsvik
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26.08.2006, 05:06 Uhr
MikeB besucht im Moment nicht das Board.MikeB eine private Nachricht schreibenMikeB
You can get METAL replacement gears for the largest and also the second largest gears for the old style Tamiya gearboxes from They are not listed on the website but if you email he will advise you. They are not cheap but cheaper to buy them from Bob than from the manufacturer ! Alternately you could try Tamiya in your country but I don't know if they still produce these.

I hope it helps,

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