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      Tamiya's Leopard 2A6
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Thema: Tamiya's Leopard 2A6

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28.11.2006, 23:48 Uhr
HaJo besucht im Moment nicht das Board.HaJo eine private Nachricht schreibenHaJo

Hallo Sean,

does me suffer that I not long you can help.
But I would attempt it in the case of KMW as as it proposes GG.

A lot of luck and Sorry


Kanal 88/92
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27.03.2015, 15:37 Uhr
karel47 besucht im Moment nicht das Board.karel47 eine private Nachricht schreibenkarel47
hi guy's am karl from belgium i have an isseu with one of my tamiya FO leopards 2A6

i was last year riding with RAG on intermodelbau 2014 ... had a lot of broken wheelbones on the terrain so we spend almost six hours repairing thebplastic wheelbones so the leo was several times dismounted , on the end i had no sound , later on i saw i and the rag guys had broken a green cable on J19 and one of the machinegun luckyly were they could be soldered through little time lastbyear the leo was stillmin a plastic box until a month ago i replaced thebplastic wheelbones on both with the silvernickelmonesvfrom AFV had some of you guy'had the same isseu?

i placed also the tamiya gunstabilisator on the leo with no sound it works poor, i heard from a german guy thomas some added weight could be help the stabilisator move smoother it has to be about 130 gram he mention above the recoil mounted ... one of you did this too ?

next month am back on the RAG battleterrain for 5 days with my leo hope to solved it by then

i hope you can give some advice

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27.03.2015, 15:40 Uhr
karel47 besucht im Moment nicht das Board.karel47 eine private Nachricht schreibenkarel47
another vieuw of them

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27.03.2015, 15:44 Uhr
karel47 besucht im Moment nicht das Board.karel47 eine private Nachricht schreibenkarel47
my kampfgruppe sweeps the terrein for intruders

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